Good Neighbors- Local 83

Justice. Honor. Strength. Those virtues are imprinted on the Ohio Laborers’ Local 83 seal and are at the foundation its members have worked to build upon for the last 80 years. The crest that displays those attributes may need to make room for another, after the Local’s act of kindness this holiday season.

In the spirit of giving, Laborers’ Local 83 sought out to make a palpable difference by helping those in need within the community. With the leadership of Local 83’s Executive Board, coupled with the compassion of its membership, began a food drive shortly before Thanksgiving benefiting the Salvation Army of Portsmouth. 

“We wanted to make the most impact here in our community.” Jimmy McGraw, Business Manager of Laborers’ Local 83, said. “It’s a special feeling that we can give back in this way. We’re all human and fall on times of need in our lives.”

Indeed, help arrived, the Local was able to accumulate over 1,600 or about one ton of canned food items from the Westside IGA in Portsmouth. This grocer was chosen because of local ties to

the community and the willingness to help out for a great cause.

“The Local 83 contribution came as a wonderful surprise.” Captain Misty Simco of the Salvation Army said. “Food donations are unfortunately down at the moment, and we were looking for ways to supplement our folks in need,” Misty continued. “We hope that we can count on the Local’s support going forward, it really made a difference.”

In addition to the holiday food drive, the canned goods will help with the Salvation Army’s food pantry and daily feeding program. A program that assists between 50 to 100 individuals Monday through Friday. The Salvation Army also helps out the senior population and those folks on the road to recovery from substance abuse.

Ohio Laborers’ – Local 83 has been making a difference in southeastern Ohio since 1940. Its members are local residents who build their community’s infrastructure proudly. And their hard-earned wages remain in the Portsmouth, which backs local business and increases the tax base to help better support public projects.

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